Faculty and Staff
Dr. Howard C. Baker, ’65, of Centennial, CO, died July 10, 2013. He completed his Ph.D. in physics at Washington University and was a research fellow at Harvard University, a visiting scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and a staff scientist in advanced programs at Rockwell International, Rocketdyne Division. He was recognized as an Outstanding Scientist-Teacher in the Appalachian Region by the University of Kentucky and spent 38 years educating young people in physics at various universities; however, teaching at Berea was always closest to his heart. He is survived by his sister, Regina Baker Goodpaster, ’93, a niece, and a nephew.
Lucile B. Cooper, of Manitowoc, WI, died October 26, 2003. She was a teacher for many years at various locations. She served in the Ladies Aid and in 4-H. She is survived by her brothers, Maurice Cooper and Walter Franklin Cooper, ’54, and her sister, Elizabeth Messmer.
Aloma June Barnes Earles, ’49, of Berea, KY, died May 10, 2013. She worked as a schoolteacher, a social worker, and later in life as a financial aid administrator for Berea College. Her life was centered on providing love and hospitality to numerous family and friends. She is survived by her son, Edward H. Earles, ’82, and her daughter, Laura L. Earles, ’84.
Dr. Dorothy G. Gates, Honorary Alum, ’84, of St. Petersburg, FL, died March 1, 2013. She earned her MD from Western University School of Medicine and received special training at the Baptist Missionary Training School in Chicago before serving as a medical missionary. Forced to leave China during the communist takeover, she was reassigned to Burma in 1950, where she practiced at the Ellen Mitchell Memorial Hospital in Moulmein until 1962. From 1965 until 1984, she was one of two MDs at the College Health Service at Berea College. She is survived by many admirers and friends.
Geradline Trusty, Cx ’44, of Berea, KY, died on April 15, 2013. She formerly worked in the Student Crafts Program at Berea College. She is survived by her niece, Karen Trusty.
Ann Van Meter Tilson, widow of Howard G. Tilson, ’30, died April 14, 2013. She taught at University of Kentucky before devoting herself full time to being a homemaker and farmer. She is survived by her daughter, Melissa Wood.
Harriet Gates Oman, ’33, of Deland, FL, died December 28, 2011 at the age of 102. She was a longtime Red Cross worker and was praised for her acts of compassion, dedication, and selflessness. She is survived by her son, Emory Willard Oman, Jr.
Mabel Lee Brigance Grinstead, ’36, of Louisville, KY, died December 20, 2010. She was a retired teacher at Western Junior High School, where she had more than 40 years of service. She earned a master’s of arts from Vanderbilt University. She is survived by her sister, Loraine Hardin.
Willis Jacob Richard, ’36, of Camarillo, CA, died July 10, 2013, at 100 years of age. He earned his master’s degree from Iowa State University in Ames, IA, where he met and married his first wife of 65 years, Marie Rognlien Richard. He accepted a position as professor of economics at Wittenberg University in Springfield, OH, and at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Indiana, PA. After his wife passed away, he married Bernice Jenkins Richard, who was also 95. He is survived by his children, stepsons, and three siblings, Walden Richard, ’39, Wilma Hoy, and Lucille Rowland.
Mary Cochran Barnette Kell, ’37, of Lexington, KY, died on June 8, 2013. She obtained a master’s degree from Marshall University and retired after many years of service as a music teacher and librarian in Lawrence County, OH, schools. She taught at Marshall University and Ashland Community College and taught piano in Ashland. She is survived by her son, Harold Marsh Barnette, and three daughters, Pat Perry, Kathy Stout, and Ruth Ellen Rindin.
James G. “Pop” Hollandsworth, ’37, of Huntington, WV, died on June 21, 2013. He received a master’s degree from Peabody Teachers College at Vanderbilt University and taught for 38 years at Asheville School, Asheville, NC, where he started the mountaineering program. He was program director for 25 years at Camp Sequoyah in NC. He received the American Camp Association Distinguished Service award in 2001. He was a member of the International Camp Congress and attended conferences in Mexico City, Quebec, Russia, Australia, and Japan and in Hong Kong at age 95. He is survived by his wife, Marjorie V. Hollandsworth, a stepson, and stepdaughter.
Israel Pickens Russell III, of Stevenson, AL, died on April 28, 2011. He was a farmer and a harness horse trainer and race driver and was especially active in his community. He trained and raced standard-bred horses with his brother and was respected on the national racing scene for his expertise at developing the young trotter or pacer. He was an original member of the Jackson County Hospital board, which was instrumental in building Jackson County (Highlands Medical) and North Jackson hospitals. He also was a director of First Southern National Bank for 44 years. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Ernestine Mann Russell, ’37, and two daughters.
Lois Roberts Foley, ’38, widow of Lemley P. Foley, ’37, of Virginia Beach, VA, died on June 25, 2013. She served as an elementary public school teacher until the 1960s. She earned her master’s of library science from Old Dominion University and returned to the public school system as a librarian. She and her husband served in the ministry for more than 38 years. She is survived by a daughter, Sylvia McNeff, and a son, Richard Foley.
Lina Wells, ’38, of Versailles, KY, died on September 14, 2012. She earned a master’s degree from University of Kentucky in education and was a retired teacher and farmer. She is survived by a son, Hugh Wells.
Ralph Inslee Deadrick, Cx ’39, of Kingston, TN, died on May 27, 2013. He attended the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN, and was a mechanical engineer for Y-12 and K-25. He was an avid bird watcher, loved to travel, and was an historian, with special interests in the Civil War and World War I. He is survived by his daughters, Mary Deadrick Mulvany and Martha Ann Deadrick.
Sue Elizabeth Darle Pullins Wisecarver, ’39, of Harrisonburg, VA, died July 13, 2013. She worked as a school librarian at several different schools and retired from Frederick County Schools in 1979. She had a lifelong interest in art, music, and dance and established a student art show in the Frederick County School system in the 1970s. She is survived by a son, Jerry Wisecarver, and a daughter, Milla Sue Wisecarver.
Dorothy Brown Bach, ’40, of Peoria, IL, died on March 24, 2013. She met her husband, Hager Wilgis Bach, ’40, at Berea where they both majored in political science. She taught third grade at the original Lincoln School at State and First Streets for 26 years. She led an extraordinary independent life. She was the treasurer at St. Martha’s Guild for 20 years. She is survived by a son, Robert Bach, and two daughters, Cynthia Tilly and Lucinda Bach.
Elizabeth Rivenburg Holcroft, ’40, of Reedley, CA, died on February 12, 2013. She was a retired schoolteacher. No other details are available.
Joe Shelvy Carnes, ’41, of Nashville, TN, died on February 23, 2013. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in France and Germany. He worked primarily for National Stores Corporation in Nashville as an accountant, and upon retirement, operated a landscaping business. He enjoyed bird hunting and was an avid golfer until age 94. He is survived by a son, Jerry W. Carnes.
Dorothy Louise Strait Nestor, ’41, widow of Ernest Nestor, ’41, of Ashland, KY, died on February 26, 2013. She obtained a MA from Morehead University in 1974 and had a successful teaching career. In 1984 she obtained an AA in nursing and worked at the bloodmobile for years. She is survived by two sons, Dr. Michael Nestor and Stephen Nestor, and a daughter, Karen Nestor.
Margaret Hillman Dingess, ’42, of Johnson City, TN, died on May 9, 2013. She attended Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church for over 60 years, serving on the administrative board and teaching Sunday school. She also assisted with the expansion of the Munsey Library. She is survived by her daughter, Donna Dingess Baker, and a son, Lan C. Dingess.
Juanita Hall Roberts, Cx ’42, of Hambleton, WV, died on May 21, 2013. She was the Berea College reunion chairperson in 2007. She previously worked for New York Life Insurance, Co. She is survived by her husband, William L. Roberts, ’42.
Anna Lee Williams Wells, ’42, of Flatgap, KY, died on April 17, 2013. She was a retired home economics teacher through the Johnson County Public High School. She is survived by her two sons, Frank Allen Wells, Jr., and Thomas Cyrus Wells.
Edna Alice McDowell Estep, Cx ’43, of Fort Worth, TX, died on April 9, 2013. She obtained her teaching certificate from Eastern Kentucky University and taught in a one-room schoolhouse in Westminster, IA. She and her husband, Dr. William R. Estep, Jr., ’42, attended Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY, where she earned a BA in religious education. She taught Sunday school classes, served in the Women’s Missionary Union, and traveled with her husband on ministry opportunities all around the world. She is survived by a son, Merl Estep, and three daughters, Dr. Rhoda MacDonald, Mary Morgan, and Lena Gipson.
The Honorable Richard H. Harper, Cx ’43, of Charlotte, NC, died on May 15, 2013. He served in the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion (Seabees), from 1942 until 1945 in the Pacific Theater. He received his L.L.B. degree and L.L.M. from George Washington University of Law in Washington, D.C. He practiced law in Washington, D.C., and Kansas City, KS, for over 25 years. He served as administrative law judge with the Office of Hearing and Appeals in Charlotte, NC, and in 1978 became chief judge until his death. He is survived by his son, Richard H. Harper II.
Rev. Thomas Masaji Okuma, ’43, of Honolulu, HI, died on May 22, 2013. He was professor emeritus of religious studies at Loa College in Hawaii and a retired United Church of Christ minister. His loving wife, Naomi Okuma, ’45, preceded him in death on November 26, 2012, at the age of 91. She was an elementary school librarian at Kahala Elementary School. They are survived by two daughters, Yuki Okuma Leon and Katy White.
Homer Q. Potter, ’43, of Columbus, OH, died on June 22, 2013. He served our nation for 30 years with the U.S. Department of Defense and served six commanders in chief from President Truman to President Carter. His supply operations expertise supported all branches of military efforts in Korea and Vietnam. His loving wife, Virgie Smith, Cx ’43, preceded him in death in 2011. She was a “Rosie the Riveter” and assembled shell casings in munitions plants during World War II. She worked for Montgomery Ward and State Farm Insurance and was a Cub Scout leader. They are survived by two sons, David Potter and Quentin Potter, and a daughter, Linda Vance.
Martha Elizabeth Wagers Shemwell, ’43, of Berea, KY, died on June 23, 2013. She taught 37 years at Hazel Green Academy. She attended Berea First Christian Church, where she served as church historian and sang in the choir. She is survived by her nephews, Jimmy Wagers, Billy Wagers, Chuck Wagers and Scott Wagers.
Joe H. Austin, Fd ’44, of Birmingham, AL, died on January 17, 2013. He is survived by two daughters, Anne Austin Stickney and Marsha Austin Standifer, and a son, Harris T. Austin. No other details are available.
Jane Irene Brickey, of Bexley, OH, died May 22, 2012. She was a secretary, mother, and widow of Robert H. Brickey, Cx ’44. She was active in the Association for Research and Enlightenment. She is survived by her sister, Joanne Burns, and her children, Michael Brickey, Pamela Kelley, and Paul Brickey.
Wanda Lee Francis Carmer, Cx ’44, of Fleming, KY, died on May 11, 2013. While working on a nursing degree at Berea College, she met the love of her life, Capt. Elwood (Jim) Carmer, Navy V-12 ’43-’44. Coinciding with her husband’s military career in the Navy, Wanda worked in obstetrics whenever she could. She received commendations from the Navy for her work with the American National Red Cross. Wanda and Jim retired to Sonoma, CA, in 1975. She is survived by a son, Jon Carmer, and a daughter, Claire Carstensen.
Yvonne Bonnie Wallace Huntley, Acad ’44, of Palatka, FL, died on June 7, 2013. She completed her bachelor’s in English at Florida State University in 1948, and taught in several schools. She attended St. James United Methodist Church, sang in the choir, and taught Sunday school. She is survived by two daughters, Anne Uhlfelder and Ellen Dub.
Dr. Charles William Kreidler, Navy V-12 ’43-’44, of Washington, DC, died on April 19, 2013. He served as an ensign in the Navy on an amphibious ship in the Pacific from 1943-46. He received a BA in Spanish from University of Cincinnati and a MA and Ph.D. in linguistics from University of Michigan. He was a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University from 1963 until his retirement in 1993. He received three Fulbright scholarships for teaching linguistics and authored four textbooks on linguistics. He was a passionate gardener, and, in 1975, he and two neighbors started the Friendship Community Gardens in Tenleytown. He is survived by a son, James Kreidler, and a daughter, Julia Hickey.
Eunice Fosson Thomas, ’44, of Winston-Salem, NC, died on March 3, 2013. She was an accomplished nurse and served in private and nursing homes, in city hospitals, and at Forsyth Hospital. She is survived by a son, Jerome “Jerry” Thomas, and a daughter, Ann Adell Baker.
Geraldine Trusty, Cx ’44, of Berea, KY, died on April 15, 2013. She formerly worked in the Student Crafts Program at Berea College. She is survived by her niece, Karen Trusty. No other details are available.
Margie Gilliam Watkins, ’44, of Lakeland, FL, died July 1, 2013. She worked for the TVA in Chattanooga, TN, in an engineering defense job drafting maps. Then she participated in an accelerated nursing program at Johns Hopkins and secured several nursing positions, including becoming a director of the state TB hospital in Kentucky. She served as nurse at Florida Southern College until her retirement. She is survived by her two children, Pamela J. Burton and Thomas B. Watkins.
Lafe Preston Ward, Navy V-12 ’43-’44, of Williamson, WV, died on April 10, 2013. He was a graduate of University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, served in the U.S. Navy, and received his law degree from West Virginia University. His Williamson law practice began in 1951, and he served on the Board of Directors of Matewan Bank, which was later merged into BB&T. He was West Virginia State senator from 1971 – 1983, serving as majority leader of the senate for eight years. He worked tirelessly to make significant improvements in his community. He is survived by his loving wife, Norma Brewin Ward, and his five children.
John Paul Anthony, Navy V-12 ’44-’45, of Bethlehem, PA, died on February 1, 2013. He served in the U.S. Navy and earned a BS in engineering at Lehigh University in 1948, where he was instrumental in the formation of the Newman Center. He worked for Western Electric. He was active in St. Anne’s Church. He is survived by his wife, Irene A. Anthony, and two daughters, and four sons.
Edgar Armstrong “Ned” Gilbert, Cx ’45, of Berea, KY, died on April 2, 2013. He was a retired rural letter carrier and farmer. He served in World War II and was awarded two Purple Heart medals for wounds suffered in action and a Bronze Star medal with Oak Clusters for heroic action. He graduated from University of Kentucky in 1947 with a BS in agriculture and finished his MS in agriculture economics in 1948. He served more than three decades as Chairman of the Board at Blue Grass Energy. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Ozella Hurst Gilbert, ’46, and three sons and a daughter.
Sara Slusher Jordan, ’45, of Indianapolis, IN, died on April 20, 2013. After working a factory job during World War II, she completed a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Berea College, where she met her husband, who was enrolled in the Navy V-12 program. They lived throughout the U.S., in Okinawa, and in Spain during their 20-year life in the U.S. Military. She was active in the League of Women Voters. She is survived by her husband of 67 years, Dr. David R. Jordan (Lieutenant Colonel USAF, Retired), Navy V-12 ’43-’44, and five sons.
Lois Bassett Waldrop, ’46, of Asheville, NC, died April 21, 2013. She taught math at Asheville-Biltmore College and later was a well-respected teacher at Hanahan High School. She attended Aldersgate United Methodist Church and was active with the United Methodist Women and the Cemetery Oversight Committee. She is survived by her daughter, Lynn Waldrop Cox, and two sons, Thomas Allan Waldrop and Robert Joseph Waldrop.
Steve Baker, Acad ’47, of Milford, OH, died January 10, 2012. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Baker, and two sons, Wayne Baker and Doug Baker. No other details are available.
Louise Proffitt Hughes, ’47, of Burnsville, NC, died April 4, 2013. She taught in the Yancey County School system for 38 years. She was a member and past president of Delta Kappa Gamma, teacher of the year in 1974, and homemaker of the year in Yancey County in 1983. She is survived by her husband of 64 years, Max Hughes, and two sons.
Reuben Andrew Hunter, ’47, of Knoxville, TN, died December 29, 2012. He was one of the first in his family to graduate from college. He earned a master’s in elementary education, supervision, and administration from the University of Tennessee and spent his career teaching, counseling, and serving as principal at several schools. After retiring from the school system, he became an insurance and mutual fund representative. He was associated with the East Knoxville Kiwanis Club for 40 years and was founder of the Adopt-a-School Organization for Knox County Schools. He is survived by his college sweetheart, Patricia Finn Hunter, ’48, and two daughters.
Paul Eugene McKenzie, of Louisville, KY, died March 25, 2013. He graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in physics and served in World War II as a radar mechanic in the Air Corps in the South Pacific. He retired from American Home Products after 33 years as a sales representative. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Mollye “Betts” McKenzie, Acad ’47, and two daughters.
Herbert L. Moore, ’47, of Chicago, IL, died February 22, 2013. He lived in Chicago and attended North Side Christian Church for over 50 years, serving in many positions. He is survived by four sisters, Opal Wilcock, Mae May, Helen Merrell, and Dorothy Skiles. Ovaline Foley Rexroat, Cx ’47, of Russell Springs, KY, died on May 28, 2013. She was affectionately called, “Miss Ovaline” by her pupils as an elementary school teacher. She taught in a one-room schoolhouse at Ono, and then she taught first grade at Salem until she retired after 43 years of teaching. She is survived by her devoted husband of 67 years, Atlee C. Rexroat, a son, and a daughter.
Commander Robert R. Rickard, Navy V-12/V-5 ’46-’47, of Oak Ridge, TN, died April 28, 2013. He enlisted in the Navy during World War II and studied engineering and military courses at Columbia University, New York, NY, and Penn State College. He had a distinguished career as an analytical chemist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, retiring in 1982. He was a published author of many scientific articles and books and was an outstanding athlete. He is survived by his loving wife of 65 years, Anna Lee Rickard, two daughters, and a son.
Paul Wathen Settles, Cx ’47, of Louisville, KY, died on July 4, 2013. He served in the U.S. Navy and was among many who aided in the liberation of American POWs. He had a career in real estate as a broker for Heritage Realty and Rainey-Jones and Associates for 35 years. He was a strong advocate for the environment and practiced organic gardening long before it became popular. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Betsy Ann Hays Settles, two daughters, and a son.
Allen M. Franke, ’48, of Pinellas Park, FL, died March 16, 2012. He was a musician and social worker. He is survived by his friends who will miss his music and friendship. No other details are available.
Hilda Outlaw Horton, ’48, of Westminster, MD, died Friday, February 22, 2013. She spent her life’s career in dietary services and was a director at Springfield Hospital Center for 25 years. She was an active member of the Maryland Dietetic Association, where she was the co-chair of the therapy section and spearheaded the writing and printing of the first MDA Renal Booklet, now sold nationally. After retirement, she enjoyed volunteering at Patient Canteen “We Are” and the Library Committee. She is survived by two sisters, Peggy Stubs, Lottie Outlaw Whaley, and a brother, Albert J. Outlaw.
Jacqueline Margette Hutton McKinney, Cx ’48, of Sugar Grove, VA, died May 24, 2013. She taught school in Smith, King and Queen counties and was later employed by Reynolds Metals Company until her retirement. She is survived by her sister-in-law, Betty McKinney Geddes.
Aloma June Barnes Earles, ’49, of Berea, KY, died May 10, 2013. She worked as a schoolteacher, a social worker, and later in life as a financial aid administrator for Berea College. Her life was centered on providing love and hospitality to numerous family and friends. She is survived by her son, Edward H. Earles, ’82, and her daughter, Laura L. Earles, ’84.
Ray Feltner, ’49, of Manchester, KY, died January 25, 2012. He was a retired vocation, agriculture teacher for Clay County High School and a World War II Army veteran. No other details are available.
Miriam Jennings Hey, Cx ’49, of St. Paul, MN, died May 22, 2013. She was a longtime teacher at Brimhall School in Roseville, MN. She is survived by her husband, Richard N. Hey, ’48, two sons and a daughter.
Albert D. Sharpton, Cx ’49, of Gautier, MS, died April 2, 2013. He served in the United States Navy and retired as a master chief petty officer after serving his country proudly for 26 years. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Ann Sharpton, a son, and two daughters.
William (Bill) Welborn Bulla, of Boulder, CO, died on October 7, 2012. After graduating from North Carolina State University, he worked at DuPont, first in New Jersey, then Illinois and in Oklahoma. After 15 years establishing a drafting department with National Bureau of Standards, he left to set up an office in his home, where he produced beautiful drawings for a few clients. His study of horticulture continued at Community College of Denver. He is survived by his devoted wife of 61 years, Shirley Clifford Bulla, ’50, two daughters, and a son.
Enola Foley Arms, ’50, of Danville, KY, died on June 26, 2013. She taught at several high schools. She attended First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Danville, KY. She is survived by her husband, Fred S. Arms, Acad ’38, a daughter, and a son.
Dr. Glenn Wesley McCall, Sr., Cx ’50, of Spartanburg, SC, died June 5, 2013. He served in the US Air Force in Japan during World War II, graduated from Emory School of Dentistry, and was a dentist in Landrum, SC, for 40 years. He attended Anderson Mill Road Baptist Church and spent many hours making deliveries for Meals on Wheels. He is survived by his children, Beth McCall Martin, G. Wesley McCall, Jr., and Gena McCall.
Harold Stanley Spencer, ’50, of Fort Stockton, TX, died March 14, 2012. He was a retired manager for Funks Seeds and was an Air Force veteran. He is survived by four daughters, Ruth Neyland, Esther Spencer, Ann Lipscomb, and Brenda Kath, and a son, Harold Stanley Spencer, Jr.
Henry Dulin White, of Lexington, KY, died January 20, 2013. He was a 1952 graduate of the University of Kentucky, and later served in the United States Air Force. He was an internationally renowned and respected third generation horseman. He was the manager of Elsmeade and Plum Lane Farms until his retirement in 2002. He served as the past president of the Thoroughbred Club of America, vice president of the Grayson-Jockey Club Foundation, and earned the distinction of Kentucky’s Farm Manager of the Year in 1979. He was presented the “Hardboot Breeders Award” by the Kentucky Thoroughbred Association, and the Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders award. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Kathryn Henderson White, Acad ’50, two daughters, and a son.
Ruth Elaine Kirkpatrick, of Berea, KY, died May 20, 2013. She earned a BS degree from University of Wisconsin and a MS and Ph.D. from Indiana University. She taught science at several high schools in Ohio. She and her husband, Charles, helped start the Berea Folk Dancers with their monthly Pot Luck English Dancing, Valentine Ball, and Christmas Dance and led two groups of folk dancers and musicians to Denmark as part of the Danish and American Exchange to Sweden, Norway and Finland, as well as many other international dancing engagements. She attended Union church for 50 years and was an honorary life deacon. She is survived by her husband, Charles Maurice Wesley, ’51, and two sons.
Mary Lou Allgood Martin, ’51, of Red Wing, MN, died on April 7, 2013. She was a long time Kentucky state government employee, a publicist and writer for the Department of Environmental Protection, and other agencies. She was an advocate for many causes, including environmental awareness, senior citizens, and civil rights. She was the author of the novel Above the Slate published by the Jesse Stuart Foundation in 2002. She is survived by two sons, Robert Abell and David Martin, and a daughter, Julie Chalmers.
Andrew H. Nickolaus, ’51, of Laurinburg, NC, died June 18, 2013. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He is survived by his sister, Ruth Nickolaus White, and brothers, John Nickolaus and Charles A. Nickolaus. No other details are available.
Elenita Ruth “Nita” Wise, ’51, of Seneca, SC, died March 26, 2013. She leaves behind a legacy of award-winning poetry and a lifetime of volunteer service. he is survived by two sons, Milton B. Wise, Jr. and Timothy L. Wise, and a daughter, Becky Wise Potter.
Peggy Jean Click Kelly, ’52, of Berea, KY, died April 3, 2013. She taught junior high, high school, and was a guidance counselor. Later she advanced to dean of students and assistant superintendent for the Berea Independent School system. She was the recipient of the Teacher of the Year Award from both the Berea and Madison County School systems. She is survived by her daughter, Linda Kelly Taylor, ’78.
Louise Scott Breazeale, of Oxford, MS, died April 13, 2013. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Mack Alfred Breazeale, ’53, and two sons. No other details are available.
James E. Miller, Jr., of Atlanta, GA, died October 18, 2011. He attended Cameron College in Lawton, OK, and was a graduate of Woodrow Wilson College of Law. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War as a naval photographer. He started his own business, Southern Film Labs, and started a one-hour photography business, Shutterbug Photo. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Wanda Honeycutt Miller, Cx ’53, and a daughter.
Dr. Peter Ryan, Cx ’53, of Berkeley, CA, died April 12, 2013. He obtained his doctorate in clinical psychology at University of California. In 1960, with two colleagues, he started the psychology clinic at Kaiser Permanente’s Oakland Medical Center. He served with distinction as a staff psychologist for almost 50 years. He also maintained a private practice in Berkeley. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Ryan, of 43 years and his five children. Ada Rose Sly, ’53, of Kalamazoo, MI, died March 31, 2013. She taught for 33 years in rural Kentucky, Harrison, MI, and in Williamston, MI. She is survived by her husband, Donald R. Sly, a son, and a daughter.
Robert C. Abrams, Fd ’54, of Berea, KY, died April 19, 2013. He retired from the University of Kentucky police department and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He graduated from Eastern Kentucky University, where he earned a degree in law enforcement. His son, Steve Abrams, died April 14, 2013, in California. Joint funeral services for both father and son were officiated April 23, 2013, in Berea, KY. He is survived by his wife, Anne Collins Abrams, ‘58, of 54 years.
Lucile B. Cooper, of Manitowoc, WI, died October 26, 2003. She was a teacher for many years at various locations. She served in the Ladies Aid and in 4-H. She is survived by her brothers, Maurice Cooper and Walter Franklin Cooper, ’54, and one sister, Elizabeth Messmer.
Doris Helmboldt Cope, ’54, of Watauga, TN, died March 11, 2013. She was a retired teacher and involved in volunteer work through Contact Helpline, FISH Pantry, Planned Parenthood, and at the Melting Pot. She led human sexuality workshops for teenagers and their parents. She is survived by her loving husband, Dwight Arnold Cope, and two daughters.
Melvin Berkley Bess, ’55, of Lyndhurst, VA, died January 20, 2013. He retired as an elementary school principal from the Suffolk City School System. He was a lifetime member of the Shenandoah Valley Coin Club and a member of Woodmen of the World. He is survived by his loving wife, Janet Marie Campbell Bess, and Laura Ann Hess, who he considered his daughter.
Delmas DeWitt Hinds, Jr., ’55, of Crossville, TN, died March 29, 2013. He finished his graduate studies at University of Tennessee and worked most of his career in the insurance industry until his retirement 10 years ago. He was an avid painter, bird watcher, and poet. He is survived by his three children, Elizabeth Hinds, Denise Hinds, and David Anthony Hinds.
Nevil McClure Garrett III, ’56, of Auburn, AL, died on May 10, 2013. He earned a master’s in administration and counseling from Indiana University Southeast. He spent most of his career in educational publishing and served as the president of Stenograph Corporation and then Weidner Communications before moving to Auburn and opening a paper and plastic recycling business with his long-time friend E. Robert Adams. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Ferne Denney Garrett, ’55, and two daughters.
Dr. Jack Douglas Lewis, Fd ’56, of Beaver Creek, OH, died on January 23, 2013. He was a family physician at Marymount Medical Center. He is survived by his wife, Becky Hollen Adams Lewis, Cx ’70.
Pearlie Miller Ruggles Wiesenhahn, ’56, of Lexington, KY, died February 24, 2013. She was a retired nurse with Veterans Administration and attended Centenary United Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, A. Darryl Wiesenhahn, and three daughters.
Lynn Finchum Cummins, Cx ’57, of Logan, OH, died July 6, 2013. She was a devoted mother and grandparent. She is survived by her husband, Jack Cummins, Cx ’58, a daughter, and a son.
Roger Lewis Saylor, ’57, of Crittenden, KY, died on October 4, 2012. He was an Army veteran, retired teacher with the Grant and Kenton County school systems, self-employed tax preparer, real estate broker, and farmer. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Bettye Harris Saylor, and two sons.
Eric Telfer, of San Antonio, TX, died on March 18, 2013. He enjoyed singing in the Blaenavon Male Voice Choir in Wales, the Chordsmen in San Antonio, TX, and in the Coker Methodist Church Chancel Choir. He is survived by his wife, Helen Baldwin Telfer, ’57, and three siblings who live in the United Kingdom.
Mary Ellen Polley Winchester, of Henderson, KY, died on July 1, 2013. She earned a master’s degree from Western Kentucky University. She was a lifelong educator and impacted the lives of many children and families throughout her years of dedicated service. She taught at several elementary schools and served as the school librarian at South Heights Elementary. She is survived by her husband, Leo Winchester, ’57.
Sue Clontz French, ’58, of Mt. Vernon, KY, died on September 9, 2011. She was a member of the Retired Teachers Association. She enjoyed reading, gardening, cooking, traveling, the ocean, planning and organizing family events, and watching her children and grandchildren’s sporting events. She was an avid University of Kentucky fan and attended First Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Junior French, and two sons.
Robert Paul Atkinson, ’59, of Stanton, KY, died March 15, 2013. He received his master’s degree from Eastern Kentucky University. He was a former superintendent of Powell County Board of Education and former principal of Lynch High School, Trimble County High School, and Clark County School. He was a member of the Powell County High School Basketball Hall of Fame and served on multiple councils. He is survived by three daughters, Johnna Lee Atkinson-Bigelow, Jill Kristin Atkinson, and Jolie Margaret Thompson.
Roger Ray Brooks, ’59, of Wise, VA, died March 4, 2013. He was a teacher and principal from Flatwoods Job Corp, retired after 32 years of service, and an employee of H&R Block. His wife, Sue F. Brooks, preceded him in death on August 18, 2012. She was a retired school teacher from the Wise County School System. They are survived by Roger’s brother, Gerald Brooks, and a nephew.
Dr. Jeannie “Inkie” Landi, ’59, of Jensen Beach, FL, died March 14, 2013. Prior to retirement, she was a behavioral psychologist, working for IBM for 20 years in Poughkeepsie, NY. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church and was active with Alcoholics Anonymous for 37 years. She is survived by her husband, Robert Hannah, a son, and a daughter.
William (Bill) C. Meadows, Fd ’59, of Hendersonville, NC, died March 9, 2013. He continued his education at Mars Hill College and was employed at City Cab Company and for Duke Energy until his retirement in 1993. He proudly held the office of secretary-treasurer for the Duke Energy Retiree Committee. He is survived by two brothers, Wade Meadows and John Meadows.
Edna Justina Givens, Fd ’61, of Lexington, KY, died May 31, 2013. She was a licensed practical nurse at St. Joseph Hospital, and was later employed by Sears. She is survived by two sons, Darrell Ray Givens and Derrick Ronell Givens. No other details are available.
Dr. P. Clayton Rivers, Sr., ’61, of Lincoln, NE, died April 16, 2012. He was professor emeritus at University of Nebraska Law Clinical Psychology department. He received his MA in clinical psychology in 1964, his Ph.D. in 1967, and finished a Ph.D. at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in the psychiatry department, focusing on alcoholism. In 1972, he served as professor of psychology and director for alcohol training and as chief undergraduate advisor. Although invested in teaching and mentoring, he was always present at his children’s and grandchildren’s activities. It was at Berea that he met his wife of nearly 52 years, Dr. Linda Stewart Rivers, Cx ’62, who survives him. He is also survived by a son and a daughter.
Allen Rector McCreary, ’62, of Richmond, VA, died June 23, 2013. After pursuing graduate training at Iowa State University, he joined The Richmond News Leader as a police reporter and subsequently worked as education reporter and copy editor on The Times-Dispatch until his retirement. He was well known for his mechanical knowledge and had extraordinary skills repairing appliances. He is survived by two daughters, Susan Fisher and Janice McCreary.
Dr. George Edward “Ed” Walker, Cx ’63, of Canton, NC, died April 7, 2013. He earned a BA in chemistry from Carolina Central University and a Ph.D. from Meharry Medical College. He began his practice of internal medicine in the United States Air Force, where he achieved the rank of major. He became the first African-American doctor on staff at Crawford W. Long Hospital. He established and operated his own private practice until he retired in 2011. He is survived by his wife of 43 years, Patricia Walker, and four sons.
Wayne Allen Carpenter, ’64, of Knightdale, NC, died February 16, 2013. He served in the U.S. Army and retired after many years in the information technology industry. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn Pieper Carpenter, a son, and a daughter.
John Hock San Lim, ’64, of Garland, TX, died May 15, 2013. After obtaining a BA in arts, he attended Southern Methodist University and East Texas State University, where he earned a MA of arts in library science. He worked for many years as a librarian at West Texas State University, before opening a private business. He spent the last 10 years of his life at Tulia Health Rehabilitation Center. He is survived by his mother, Lucy Lim, two brothers, and three sisters.
Dr. Howard C. Baker, ’65, of Centennial, CO, died July 10, 2013. He completed his Ph.D. in physics at Washington University and was a research fellow at Harvard University, a visiting scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and a staff scientist in advanced programs at Rockwell International, Rocketdyne Division. He was recognized as an Outstanding Scientist-Teacher in the Appalachian Region by the University of Kentucky and spent 38 years educating young people in physics at various universities; however, teaching at Berea was always closest to his heart. He is survived by his sister, Regina Baker Goodpaster, ’93, a niece and a nephew.
Breck Robbins, ’66, of Westlake, OH, died May, 20, 2013. He played baseball and softball all his life in the National Softball Association and the United States Slowpitch Association. He also played semi-pro baseball in Ohio for 25 years and is in the Ohio Baseball Hall of Fame. He played in senior-over-60 leagues, winning four over-60 National Adult Baseball Championships. He is survived by his cousins, Douglas Estridge, Glenn Estridge and Donna Estridge Campbell, ‘75.
Billy R. Montgomery, Cx ’67, of Baltimore, MD, died April 12, 2013. He was a retired vocations counselor. He is survived by his wife, Martha Montgomery. No other details are available.
Donald Gene Young, ’67, of Glendale, KY, died February 20, 2013. He earned two master degrees from Western Carolina University in chemistry and education and was a chemistry professor at several colleges in North Carolina and Kentucky. He served in the U.S. Navy, where he was the ship’s photographer on the USS Leyte. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Ann Robertson Young, and his three daughters.
Barbara Sue Litteral, ’68, of Tip City, OH, died February 18, 2013. She was employed as a counseling supervisor with the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation for the state of Ohio. She is survived by her husband of 40 years, Newt D. H. Litteral, and a son.
Avonelle Fairchild Worsham, ’69, of Englewood, OH, died May 12, 2013. She was a tax clerk with the city of Vandalia. She is survived by her husband of 43 years, Verno Worsham, ’69, and two sons.
Thomas Jackson Gullett of Lexington, KY, died May 29, 2013. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ann Runyon Gullett, ’70. He developed cable systems in eastern and western Kentucky along with systems in Florida and England and was co-founder of the KY TV Cable Association. In 2008, he was inducted into the T.V. Cable Pioneers by The National Cable Telecommunications Center and Museum. His hobbies included flying planes and boating. He is survived by his daughter, Ashlea Gullett Beeson, and a son, Thomas Chase Gullett.
Donald Cooper Maggard, ’70, of Tampa, FL, died May 1, 2013. He served faithfully in the U.S. Air Force and worked as a manager in the hotel industry for 40 years. He is survived by his wife and best friend of 35 years, Candace Maggard.
Sarah Katherine Ratliff Miller, ’71, of Crockett, VA, died March 21, 2013. She retired as an extension agent for the Wythe County Cooperative Extension Service and was employed by Virginia Tech. She was an active member and past board member of the Wythe County Genealogical and Historical Association. She is survived by her husband, Chuck Miller, and two daughters.
Rebecca Linn Johnson, ’74, of Eugene, OR, died February 26, 2013. She was a commercial artist in Louisville and a graphic artist for the Oregon School of Music in Eugene. She was a talented singer and musician and was a pottery artisan. She is survived by her daughter, Jessica Linn Lofft.
Glenn Fugate, ’75, of Lexington, KY, died March 29, 2013. He was a retired teacher from the Kentucky School for the Deaf in Danville, KY. He earned his master’s degree from Western Maryland University. Fluent in American Sign Language, he often volunteered as an interpreter. He is survived by his partner, George Pinson, and two brothers, Rev. Montie Fugate, ’73, and Rev. Ed. Fugate, ’78.
DeLayne Parham Harlowe, ’75, of Chesapeake, VA, died May 9, 2013. She attended Centerville Baptist Church, where she orchestrated performances and plays with the worship team. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edgar “Jack” W. Harlowe III, on November 25, 2010. She is survived by a daughter, Lelia “Lee” Harlowe, and a step-son, Michael Harlowe.
Ellis Ray Hogg, ’75, of Paint Lick, KY, died May 28, 2013. He was a self-employed property manager and Honorable Kentucky Colonel. He is survived by his mother, his wife of 36 years, Jeanie Murphy Hogg, ’75, two sons, and one daughter.
Barbara Anne Brown, ’80, of Oliver Springs, TN, died April 30, 2013. She was a medical clerk in the Oak Ridge area for many years, specializing in medical insurance claims and was employed at Parkway Cardiology. She was an active member of the Oliver Springs Historical Society, served as secretary for many years, and volunteered at many events. She is survived by her mother, Cleopatra Halburnt Brown, three sisters, and four brothers.
Nanette M. Baldwin, Cx ’81, of Midland, GA, died July 18, 2013. She was the director of clinical informatics at Columbus Regional Hospital. Along with her parents, she is survived by her husband, William G. “Bill” Baldwin, two daughters, and a son.
William E. Whelan, of Louisville, KY, died November 22, 1999. He is survived by his daughter, Paula Keith, ’81. No other details are available.
Joey S. Maul, Cx ’82, of Paoli, IN, died May 16, 2013. He attended Valdosta State University and was a talented graphic designer and webmaster. He enjoyed woodworking and designing games and was well-known locally for his wonderful artwork. He is survived by his brothers, Barry Maul, Richard Hamilton, Rex Hamilton, and Forrest Hamilton.
Dr. Dorothy G. Gates, Honorary Alum ’84, of St. Petersburg, FL, died March 1, 2013. She earned her MD from Western University School of Medicine and received special training at the Baptist Missionary Training School in Chicago before serving as a medical missionary. Forced to leave China during the Communist takeover, she was reassigned to Burma in 1950, where she practiced at the Ellen Mitchell Memorial Hospital in Moulmein until 1962. From 1965 until 1984, she was one of two MDs at the College Heath Service at Berea College. She is survived by many admirers and friends.
Sgt. Michael Christopher Cable, Cx ’08, of Owensboro, KY, died March 27, 2013, in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, while bravely serving his country in the U.S. Army as an artillery forward observer in the First Battalion, 327th Infantry. Among many of his interests, he enjoyed competitive sports, especially cross-country. He is survived by his parents, Raymond and Vickie Johnston, four sisters, and one brother.