The first project for students in Berea’s new summer science research program was a combination of fun and learning. Working in pairs, they designed and constructed life-sized cardboard boats, diving into research topics like water displacement and absorption. Then they piloted their creations across the College pool in a hands-on test of their creativity and new-found knowledge. As a team-building challenge and a skill-building exercise that encouraged self-discovery, the construction project set a tone of collaboration and experimentation as they embarked on the six-week research program together.
Earlier this year, the Sherman Fairchild Foundation invited the Berea science department to apply for a three-year summer research program grant. Several years ago, the foundation had granted the school funds to acquire some complex scientific equipment, so its leaders knew Berea would be a good fit—especially since they are concerned with supporting institutions that serve underrepresented populations.
For students pursuing an undergraduate degree in the sciences, participating in a summer of research has become de rigueur. However, the program Berea envisioned is different from the typical offering. Constance ’25 was exactly the type of student program leaders hoped to reach. “I grew up with a lot of people telling me that I was very smart, but without being able to actually see that I could be successful,” she said. “I didn’t go to college for 12 years because I thought I didn’t deserve to be here and that I wouldn’t have what I needed to succeed.”
Berea’s program was designed to give first-year students a successful experience. Some participants hadn’t yet taken a college-level science class due to developmental math prerequisites. The summer of research was a rare opportunity for them to work alongside faculty doing real-life research early in their academic careers. Also, students spent two weeks each in three scientific disciplines—chemistry, biology and biophysics—rather than just focusing on one experiment. This exposed them to more options for future studies.
Chemistry and Confidence
Dr. Mary Robert Garrett led the two-week chemistry experiment. The group synthesized acetaminophen (the primary component of Tylenol) and attempted to make various derivatives of the drug. She explained that it is common in pharmaceutical development to tweak the structure of an existing compound and see if the change will improve the efficacy or performance of the drug.
The students had to successfully synthesize, isolate and analyze their reaction products, then choose other molecules similar to one of the acetaminophen components and observe how they reacted differently. One team found the derivative they examined immediately reacted by turning bright yellow. One attempt did not react at all. One worked if heated longer than the original.
One of Dr. Garrett’s goals was to choose an experiment that would be new to all the students so they would begin with the same level of knowledge. Before working on the acetaminophen, she had to introduce organic chemistry concepts. Starting from the same background created a more collegial atmosphere, where they felt comfortable asking each other for help.
The experiments required using advanced equipment like a 500 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. Through the two weeks, students became proficient at running the samples and working up the data, developing a skill set that even some science teaching assistants don’t achieve.
“I wanted to give these students, who maybe felt like they were behind academically, a little bit of that background and additional skills so they feel ahead in other areas,” Garrett said.
For student Chelsea ’27, this summer’s work gave her the confidence to look toward a future summer research program at a bigger lab. Other researchers also focus on reaction development and pharmaceutical synthesis, and the skills she learned this summer will give her an advantage as she enters more in-depth academic work and applies for advanced research opportunities in future summers.
Biophysics and Failure
Dr. Troy Messina led the biophysics section. He incorporated two experiments that studied the bonds within different proteins in the body. The group studied the strength of the protein structures by chemically breaking them apart and measuring how much chemical was necessary to break the bonds. The measuring process utilized the UV visible spectrometer to see how light was absorbed differently, revealing the integrity of the molecules. An experiment with myoglobin in muscles helped students understand how its structure is integral to its function. A follow-up study of lysozyme measured its strength of binding to different receptors.
Dr. Messina readily admits the experiments were challenging, even “mind-blowing,” and would be appropriate in a 300-level physics course. But their difficulty helped illustrate one of his goals.
“I wanted students to understand what science really looks like,” he said. “I hope they got the message that science is not about answering questions we already know the answers to. It’s complex, and often there is not just one answer. Classroom lab work is often not inquiry-driven, but more like preparing a recipe. The summer research program was a shift from product to process.”
Unsuccessful experiments were part of that learning process. The professors created an atmosphere that allowed for mistakes, which is not always an easy lesson for academically driven students. But as they experienced and accepted the reality of imperfection, they realized those mistakes were crucial for future accomplishments.
“Research isn’t always successful,” explained Ahmad ’27 matter-of-factly. “Failure isn’t always a bad thing.”
Biology and Joy
Dr. Roy Scudder-Davis led a biology study comparing pattern and body proportions between populations of southern two-lined salamanders, Eurycea cirrigera. The group examined amphibians from three locations: Fee Glade in the middle of campus, Brushy Fork just adjacent and Anglin Falls, a state nature preserve in Rockcastle County owned by the College. Students learned to collect, anesthetize, measure and analyze salamanders.
While the study had a laboratory component to aid in measuring, Dr. Scudder-Davis particularly wanted to introduce students to fieldwork. It is his passion, but he has observed that scientific research has migrated to the lab, away from the field. By the end of his two-week session, he saw the group perform together like clockwork with a noticeable increase in enthusiasm for collecting and measuring.
Chelsea was one of the students who had a real change of heart about fieldwork. “Let’s just say I had to go with a very open mind,” she said. “I don’t really do the forest or jungle, so I was a bit irritated because we were out in the sun, touching dirt, looking for salamanders and snakes. As we all gathered salamanders and looked at them, we had five different species, including the northern red, that is orange with polka dots, and the two-lined. As I got the hang of it, I was excited.”
Researching in three different scientific disciplines also revealed the interdisciplinary nature of science. Biophysics incorporated biology, physics, chemistry and math, without clear boundaries between them. Intertwined experiments utilized spectrometers to measure light: infrared and radio waves in chemistry and ultraviolet and visible in biophysics. “I feel like I need physics to answer all the questions I have about everything else,” Constance realized.
The summer broke down barriers between people as well as scientific fields. The six members of the cohort became friends who learned to work well together and give each other honest input. The faculty served as mentors, demonstrating their care for students and relating personally. They positioned themselves as fellow learners and explorers with the participants.
Of all the benefits of the summer research experience for students just setting sail on their scientific journey—increased confidence, supportive relationships, a deeper understanding of the complexity of science—perhaps the most significant is an enhanced sense of identity as a scientist.