Legacy gifts left to Berea by will:

Rhoda and James Allison
Peggy M. Anderson
Emily C. Bacon
Christine M. Baermann
Evelyn Blust Baker
Margaret A Barnwell
Florence and Minnie Behl
Marjorie Boetter
Zorah W. Bowman
Scharlene O. Branum
Eva Reid Brosius
Charles and Evelyn Burgoyne
Alice R. Burks
Phyllis L. Burlingame
Virginia I. Burr
Ouida Midkiff Burrus
Thomas K. Carpenter
Columbus Foundation
Bette Combs
Ann Sutton Cooper
Kinsman E. Crumb
Margaret Simpson Daniels
Steven Lamson Davenport
Bobbie Jean Dedman
Barbara M. Denhoff
Lois A Derrough
Peter W. Deutsch
Dr. Hazel F. Dicken
Francis E. and Julia R. Drury
Maxine Alice Dull
Richard Franklin Duncan
Johanna Egan
Lida M. Ferguson
Ann Hardeman and Combs L. Fort
Shirley B. Fowler
Mary S. Frazer
Ethel D. Fritts
Fromuth Family
Augatha C. and Price Gayhart
Veronica Geiger
Mitzi Valentine Goward
R. Lee Gravatt
Mary Nell Griffin
Henry Gund
Jessie F. Hallett
Robert E. and Clara D. Harrison
James B. Heird
O. Tinsley Helton
Joseph Henry
Irene H. Hills
Thomas R. Huheey and Martha Gelwicks
Virginia Dale Hutsell
Marjorie Hylton
Nancy Olmsted Kaehr
Carolyn E. Kearney
Bill and Mary Anne Keen
J. Kennedy Kincaid, Jr.
Howard F. Kidder
Pauline Kifer
Tuthill King
Regina T. Krefft
Robert H. Lee
Hazel W. Luster
Richard and Jolene Luth
Alice R. Manicur
Stewart McCullum
Dorothy and Clarence Meacham
Julia A. Miller
Lewis B. and Helen M. Miller
George E. Mills, III
Douglas Stapf Mitchell
Marjorie D. Moerschner
Emily R. Nashner
W. O. and Lois Newell
Charles S. and Phoebe O. Nicholas
Ronald E. Nuehring
Jeanette M. Ocker
Douglas Orre
Odette L. Pantelich
Donna D. Park
Marlene Ellis Payne
E. Dorothy Pelton
Robert B. Pelton
Harriett Monroe Peterson
Alfred Hartman Peterson, Jr.
Ruth B. Phillips
Frances E. Pou
Elisabeth Severance Prentiss
Charles W. Raliff
Rawlins Family
Charles C. Reardon
Josephine Rommell Reid
Monte Richardson
Wilfrid Robinson
Donald L. Ross
Frances K. Ross
Edward C. Roth
Sara De Coursey Ruth
Aldo Scafati
Nancy Schmidt
Else L. Schulze Charitable
Blanche Wiley Shafer
Kate B. Sheadle
Joy C. Shoemaker
Myrtle I. Sillen
Mary S. Slusser
Edward P. and Mary Klein Smith
W. Rufus Smith
Elaine H. Sorensen
Martha Stacy
Arthur J. Starr
Louise C. Stolle
Mary C. Stone
Catherine F. Stookey
Dorothy R. Stowell
Helen E. and Robert S. Sturges
Dorthea G. Tamborski
Kenneth E. Tigges
Mary Anne Tigges
Ronnie Lee Vansweringen
Hal Warheim
Mary G. Waterman
Laura Amelia Davis Whisnant
Doris M. Witt
Frederick W. and Genevieve Witteborg
Alfred M. and Mary Swain Wood
Bernal R. Woodward


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