July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018
Legacy gifts left to Berea by will:
David Babbott
George L. Bagby
Dr. Emerson Daniel Baugh
Florence and Minnie Behl
Allyn M. Bengtson
Nancy E. Blair
Rose Boghasen
Zorah W. Bowman
Scharlene O. Branum
Eva Reid Brosius
Verna H. Bulman
Evelyn P. Burkle
Phyllis L. Burlingame
Virginia I. Burr
Ouida Midkiff Burrus
Sally George Blakey Capobianco
Thomas K. Carpenter
Helen S. Choy
Margaret Cleaveland
Charles Barton Weaver
Jeanette M. Ocker
Asho I. Craine
J. R. Crist
Kinsman E. Crumb
Margaret Simpson Daniels
Lily Mary David
Lois A. Derrough
E. Ruth Dorsett
Francis E. and Julia R. Drury
Dorothy V. Eley
Albert J. & Rea Elias
Krikor Ermonian
Lida M. Ferguson
Robert D. Fisher
Evelyn Flanary
Ann Hardeman and Combs L. Fort
Shirley B. Fowler
Mary S. Frazer
Veronica Geiger
Marjoir Dye Getsch
Mitzi Valentine Goward
Mary Nell Griffin
Henry Gund
Jessie F. Hallett
Phyllis Hamilton
Robert E. and Clara D. Harrison
James B. Heird
Marie Highfiel
Irene H. Hills
Nellie Griffith Hurley
Marjorie Hylton
Doris M. Witt
Velma Jeremiah
Anna H. Jones
Carolyn E. Kearney
J. Kennedy Kincaid, Jr.
Pauline Kifer
Tuthill King
Raymond Charles Koorenny
Jean Lamb
Carolyn L. Lansdale
Dr. William M. Leach
Hazel Little
Helen Lucas
Laban and LaVerna McClure
Stewart McCullum
Mary Louise McGregor
Zola McKee
Mary C. McLemore
Dorothy and Clarence Meacham
John Arthur Meader
Lewis B. and Helen M. Miller
George E. Mills, III
Harriet C. Mills
Helena Mink
Alice E. Moses
Helen M. Murway
Emily R. Nashner
W. O. and Lois Newell
Jeanne C. Newhouse
Phoebe O. Nicholas
Patricia Ann Gleeson Nichols
Elizabeth B. O’Connor
James Lewis O’Dell
Eunice Ordman
Carol Jane Ott
James Irvin Phelps
Frances E. Pou
Elisabeth Severance Prentiss
Fred S. and Rose M. Prouser
Alma Randall
Charles W. Ratliff
Charles C. Reardon
Josephine Rommell Reid
Monte Richardson
Kathryn Sandera Rieder
Beverly L. Robbins
Frances K. Ross
Agnes J. Rudberg
Sara De Coursey Ruth
Isma B. Saloshin
Joanne Sauer
Aldo Scafati
Nancy Schmidt
Else L. Schulze
Blanche Wiley Shafer
Kate B. Sheadle
Bobby R. Singleton
Mary S. Slusser
Edward P. and Mary Klein Smith
Mary C. Stone
Martha Stacy
Steven L. Steele
Dorothy R. Stowell
Dorothy Anne Sykes
Alfred M. and Mary Swain Wood
Dorthea G. Tamborski
Wendell Campbell Trent
Chester D. Tripp
Verea B. Turner
Ronnie Lee Vansweringen
Hal Warheim
Mary G. Waterman
Jean A. Wayman
John P. Weitzel
Laura Amelia Davis Whisnant
Frederick W. and Genevieve Witteborg
Bernal R. Woodward