Giving is one of the best feelings in the world, especially giving toward an endeavor in which you whole-heartedly believe. Each year thousands of people from around the world join together to build a strong foundation for tomorrow by investing in the lives of Berea’s students today. Some give out of gratitude for the sure footing with which Berea allowed them to start out. Some give because they were inspired by an alumnus who intersected their life, leaving an impression that will never fade. Others’ giving is sparked by a passion for the mission and Great Commitments of this small liberal arts school that stood up to adversity and withstood the test of time. All give because they recognize their investment in Berea is an investment in the future. The following stories capture the reasons why these 16 individuals, couples and organizations chose Berea—supporting today’s students who will be tomorrow’s thought leaders, change makers and justice fighters.


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