Michael Arpajolu

Mary Alice Atwood

Roy D. Baker

Ballmann Family

Florence and Minnie Behl

Zorah W. Bowman

Jay L. Boyer

Roger Ray Brooks

Eva Reid Brosius

Ouida Midkiff Burrus

Cloe A. Call

Charles Barton Weaver

Albert B. Combs

Jeanette M. Ocker

Kinsman E. Crumb

Margaret Cruze

Ruth T. Davidson

Felix and Iva De Martis

James K. Demeter

Virginia L. Diehl

Lorene C. Diesel

Jeannette F. Dietz

E. Ruth Dorsett

Francis E. and Julia R. Drury

Evelyn Therese Ericson

Ruby I. Fassold

Lida M. Ferguson

Evelyn Flanary

George Washington Foose

Ann Hardeman and Combs L. Fort

Mary S. Frazer

Augatha C. Gayhart

Janet Wheatley Gildermaster

Mary Nell Griffin

Henry Gund

Jessie Hallett

Robert E. and Clara D. Harrison

O. Tinsley Helton

Ann Bardeen Henschel

Charles David Hess

Irene H. Hills

James Guy Hollandsworth

Joseph W. Houston

Mary A. Hulse

Nellie Griffith Hurley

Marjorie Hylton

Rev. Albert E. and Nancy G. Jenkins

Bernice F. Jones

Irene Flynt Jones

Helen M. Jordan

Dorothy S. Keleher

Loma B. Kennedy

Tuthill King

Kathryn H. Kiser

Eleanor S. Kivela

G. Daniel and Suzi Kohler

Edwin C. Kruse

Betty Jane Lewin

Arthur M. Longacre

Doris M. Witt

June MacArtor

Jane H. Martin

Laban and LaVerna McClure

Stewart McCullum

Dorothy and Clarence Meacham

Carol B. Michael

Lewis B. Miller

Wade E. Miller

George E. Mills, III

Emily R. Nashner

W. O. and Lois Newell

Col. Martin E. Nolan, Ph.D., U.S. Army, and Dorothy Beckett Nolan, Ph.D.

Ruth C. Odell

Mary B. Peterson

Ruth B. Phillips

Albert Pillifant, Jr. and Fern E. Pillifant

Meryl G. Poe

Elisabeth Severance Prentiss

Winford M. Rawlins

Charles C. Reardon

Lee and Vivian Reynolds

Geneva Cyril Robertson

John P. Roosa, Jr.

Frances K. Ross

William J. and Edith Rottman

Sara De Coursey Ruth

Isma B. Saloshin

Aldo Scafati

Else L. Schulze

Harriett E. Scott

Blanche Wiley Shafer

Raymond Shaheen

Kate B. Sheadle

Helen F. Sheeks

Harold L. Shoemaker

James R. Showkeir

Frank G. Skillman

Cora Taylor Younger Smith

Elaine H. Sorensen

Jean A. Spining

Ruth Light Stanley

Louise C. Stolle

Alfred M. and Mary Swain Wood

William Dewey Todd

Chester D. Tripp

Jean M. Trubey

Marie E. Vance

Burnice L. Wall

Elizabeth A. Weber

Joseph B. and Helen F. Weinberger

Laura Amelia Davis Whisnant

Frederick W. and Genevieve Witteborg

Bernal R. Woodward

J. F. Wright

Barbara J. F. Wyman

Marjorie Ashworth Yahraes


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