Dedicated to life-long learning and student growth, Berea’s faculty and staff give generously of their time, knowledge and resources to impact students’ lives. Many have extended that gift financially to continue educating and investing in lives of great promise.

Mr. Daniel E. Adams
Ms. Elaine Adams
Austin T. Adkins ’19
Jenny Boyle Akins ’11
Jeffrey S. Amburgey, Hon.’10
Dr. Dawn Anderson
Mr. Raymond Lee Arnold
Candis R. Arthur ’11
Caroline Nicole Arthur ’16
Eric R. Arthur ’11
Dr. Sylvia E. Asante
Ms. Brittany Lynn Ash
Fahim Imtiyaz Baig ’19
Kahlil Gibran Baker ’96
Mr. Keenan C. Baker
Molly Baker Halstead ’11
Dr. Jay H. Baltisberger
Dr. Channell Barbour ’91
Tony Basham ’00
Katie Racz Basham ’02
Andrew Lewis Baskin ’73
Mr. Aaron G. Beale
Andy Robert Beichler ’91
David Lee Bellnier ’12
Dr. Chad T. Berry
Mrs. Lisa Berry
Dr. Suzanne Katherine Birner
James Blackburn-Lynch
Stephany Hernandez Blaney ’14
Dr. Janice B. Blythe
Sandra S. Bolster, Hon.’12
Dr. Stephen C. Bolster, Hon.’12
Ms. Mary B. Bonet
Ms. Laura Lee Bost
Mrs. Cathy J. Brackett
Avvyella Katerina Bragg ’17
Holly Noel Branscum ’07
Mr. Daniel Brewer
Sarah Broomfield ’08
Ms. Beth Dotson Brown
Ms. Kimberly D. Brown
Ms. Jennifer Bryant
Mr. Keith Bullock
Ms. Jessica H. Burke
Jackie Grisby Burnside ’74
Virgil Burnside, Jr. ’73
Ann Butwell ’87
Mrs. Nashwa Monir Cahill
Dr. Richard Cahill
Mr. Mark Richard Calkins
Ms. Victoria Beth Calvert
Mr. Charlie C. Campbell
Mrs. Linda R. Carrier
Mikenzi N. Carter ’18
Virginia Begley Ceesay ’98
Mrs. Roxanne W. Chase
Ms. Huapei Chen
Ms. Sue T. Christian
Ms. Mary Ashley Cochrane
Caleb William Coffey ’17
Samantha Lynn Cole ’11
Ms. Laney Nicole Coleman
Ms. Lisa M. Colletti-Jones
Jackie Collier ’80
Katherine Lynn Collins ’17
Beverly F. Cook ’72
Mrs. Linda Cope
Kristin Baker Dalessio ’06
Glen E. Dandeneau ’87
Abbie Tanyhill Darst ’03
Chance Davis ’19
Mr. Eric A. Davis
Ms. Halisha Hughes Davis
Teresa Kash Davis ’84
Ronald Russell Deaver ’72
Heather Ann Dent ’11
Ms. Bernadine M. Douglas
Ms. Vickie Dye
Mrs. Eugenia D. Edwards
Mr. Randall E. Ellis
Dara Evans ’04
Courtney D. Falconberry ’18
Kelley S. Farley ’18
Bradley Allen Fletcher ’06
Kendal Adrianne Keaton Fletcher ’18
Ms. Mary Beth Flowers
Channing Francis ’12
Adam David Funck ’18
Alejandro Galeana-Salinas ’19
Kelvin W. Galloway ’06
Mary Rush Galloway ’07
Dr. Mary Robert Garrett
Dreama Gayle Gentry ’89
Gus John Gerassimides ’83
Dr. Nancy E. Gift
Mr. Russell L. Gilreath
Ms. Judy Lynn Ginter
Mr. Andrew D. Glenn
Johauna Renay Gosney ’12
Dr. Ronald S. Gowler
Danielle M. Graves ’19
Dr. Christopher A. Green
Dr. Volker Paul Notker Grzimek
Ms. Jill M. Gurtatowski
Mr. Richard J. Hale
Curtis Hall ’18
Dr. Sarah L. Hall
Johanna Hall-Rappolee ’14
Timothy C. Hammett ’19
Ms. Heather L. Hammond
Rachel K. Harden ’18
Kelsey Crim Hargis ’11
Amy Burkhardt Harmon ’99
Mr. Evan J. Harrell
Ms. Susan Henthorn
John H. Hite ’18
Dr. Jeanne M. Hoch
Dr. Tracy M. Hodge
Luke Hodson ’02
Dr. Megan M. Hoffman
Mrs. Teresa G. Hosler
Mrs. Patricia K. Isenstein
Christopher Michael Jansen ’16
Sue Jennings Johns ’79
Zack Johnson ’17
Mrs. Penelope A. Jordan
Timothy W. Jordan ’76
Ms. Mary Ann Keck
Mrs. Melissa S. Kelley
Dr. Monica Kennison
Elizabeth Ashley Keys ’18
Tennant Yvonne Kirk ’75
Genae B. Knowles ’19
Mr. William Korinko
Mary Labus ’78
Mr. Steven H. Lawson
Mrs. Amanda D. Leger
Kelly Vasey Linville
Ms. Esther Livingston
Sheila Hazel Lyons ’86
Ms. Laura E. Magner
Dr. Gary Steven Mahoney ’82
Mr. G. Edward McCormack
Dr. Verlaine M. McDonald
Cindy Gayle McGaha ’91
Dr. Lauren Emily McKee
Ms. Andrea McKeehan
Mrs. Lori J. McKeel
Christopher Michael McKenzie ’08
Grace Ann McKenzie ’08
Dr. Richard L. Meadows
Dr. Meta Mendel-Reyes
Mr. Christopher A. Miller
Mr. Jason Lee Miller
J. Morgan ’91
Mrs. Tammy Lynne Morgeson
Ms. Abby Leigh Morris
Mrs. Judith Mott
Lyndsey Eisenbarth Mullins ’05
Ms. Kathleen Murphy
Ms. Lori Myers-Steele
Anthony D. Myrks-Brewer ’17
Ms. Julianna Christine O’Brien
Dr. Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens
Mrs. Shelley Park
Mrs. Amanda A. Peach
Dr. Janice Pearce
Ms. Jessica L. Pena
Mrs. Rebecca R. Phelps
Alane Bryant Poff ’93
Jennie Pollard ’10
Roger Matthew Quarles ’11
Sue E. Reimondo
Harry S. Rice
Dr. Jeffrey Lynn Richey
Alicia G. Riley ’12
Dr. Marguerite K. Rivage-Seul
Jennifer Gale Roberts
Rachel Roberts-Lakes ’92
Collis Robinson ’13
Mrs. Lauren M. Roelofs
Dr. Lyle D. Roelofs
Dr. Ronald B. Rosen
Dr. Matthew Jay Saderholm ’92
Joe Saleem, II ’08
Dr. Curtis T. Sandberg
Christopher David Schill ’97
Heather McNew Schill ’99
Dr. Roy M. Scudder-Davis
Ms. Rozella Ma Lanceta Shell
Tevin A. Shouse ’16
Jordan Tre’ Sims ’15
Joanne Watson Singh
Phillip Derrick Singleton
Rebecca Danielle Sizemore ’19
Ms. Amanda B. Maggard
Molly Bea Smith ’15
Mr. Paul Smithson
Mrs. Shawnna K. Southerland
Mercedes Waye Stanfield ’17
Dr. Bobby Ann Starnes
Mr. Scott Steele
Mr. Matthew Duncan Stokes
Mrs. Melissa M. Strobel
Dr. Linda Leek
Ms. Robin Taffler
Diana Taylor ’71
Liam David Taylor ’19
Andreea M. Teban ’19
Mrs. Theresa A. Thesing
Ms. Sherry J. Thiele
Carl James Thomas ’78
Ms. Teresa E. Thompson
Mr. Zachery C. Thompson
Ms. Melinda G. Townsend
Mr. Scott E. Tracy
Dr. Milton Brian Traw
Rebecca Ellen Tucker ’09
Mrs. Amanda C. Tudor
Dr. Alicestyne Turley
Ms. Rachel S. Vagts
Cody N. Vaughn ’14
Susan Curtis Vaughn ’80
Mr. Mark Edward Walden
Drienna A. Wallace ’19
Mrs. Jianfen Wang
Nicole Rene Watson ’15
Sarah Alexandra Watts ’19
Ms. Althea Webb
Philip Kleffman Wiggs ’91
Bria N. Williams ’17
Shelby Layne Williams ’14
Judge Bradley Wilson, II ’78
Lizbeth Saucedo Wilson ’16
Paul Maximilian Winker ’08
Ms. Stephanie M. Woodie
Mrs. Andrea R. Woodward
Johanna Startzman Wray ’04
Ms. Linda M. Wray
Ms. Wei Wu
Crystal D. Wylie ’05
Dr. Amanda Jeane Wyrick
Jenna Holmes Zimmerman ’01


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