July 1, 2016–June 30, 2017

Dedicated to life-long learning and student growth, Berea’s faculty and staff give generously of their time, knowledge and resources to impact students’ lives. Many have extended that gift financially to continue educating and investing in lives of great promise.


Ms. Elaine Adams

Jenny Boyle Akins ’11

Shahwar Ali ’16

Jeffrey S. Amburgey, Hon. ’10

Shaiquan K. Arline ’17

Mr. Raymond Lee Arnold

Candis R. Arthur ’11

Caroline Nicole Arthur ’16

Eric R. Arthur ’11

Dr. Jay H. Baltisberger

Channell Barbour ’91

Adanma Onyedike Barton, M.F.A.

Katie Racz Basham ’02

Tony Basham ’00

Andrew Lewis Baskin ’73

Dr. Rebecca J. Bates

Aaron G. Beale

Andy Robert Beichler ’91

David Lee Bellnier ’12

Dr. Michael C. Berheide

Becky J. Berheide

Dr. Chad T. Berry

Lisa Berry

Mrs. Courtney Leigh Bidwell

Stephany Hernandez Blaney ’14

Dr. Janice B. Blythe

Jamie William Boggs ’05

Ms. Laura Lee Bost

Dr. Jill Elaine Bouma

Avvyella Katerina Bragg ’17

Holly Noel Branscum ’07

Dr. Edwin K. Broadhead

Ms. Jennifer Bryant

Jay Earl Buckner

Jackie Grisby Burnside ’74

Virgil Burnside, Jr., ’74

Ann Butwell ’87

Dr. Richard Cahill

Nashwa Monir Cahill

Mr. Mark Richard Calkins

Ms. Victoria Beth Calvert

Charlie C Campbell

Danielle Capillo ’06

Pete Carpenter

Amy Kathleen Carrier ’00

Mrs. Linda R. Carrier

Mr. Mark Cartmill

Virginia Begley Ceesay ’98

Mrs. Roxanne W. Chase

Ms. Sue T. Christian

Mr. Javier Clavere

Mrs. Lindsay G. Clavere

Ms. Mary Ashley Cochrane

Samantha Lynn Cole ’11

Ms. Laney Nicole Coleman

Ms. Lisa M. Colletti-Jones

Jackie Collier ’80

Mrs. Linda Cope

Ms. Tracy Sturgill Counts

Mrs. Beth Curlin Weber

Kristin Baker Dalessio ’06

Michael Anthony Dalessio ’06

Glen E. Dandeneau ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Davis

Ms. Halisha Hughes Davis

Teresa Kash Davis ’84

Tia LeShaun Davis ’11

Ronald Russell Deaver ’72

Ms. Bernadine M. Douglas

Mrs. Eugenia D. Edwards

Dr. Katherine Egerton

Mr. Randall E. Ellis

Dara Evans ’04

Andrew Ferguson-Oles ’05

Bradley Allen Fletcher ’06

Ms. Mary Beth Flowers

Dr. Robert W. Foster

Channing Francis ’12

Mr. George R. Gallien

Kelvin W. Galloway ’06

Mary Rush Galloway ’07

Mr. Kevin Gardner

Dreama Gayle Gentry ’89

Dr. Nancy E. Gift

Ms. Judy Lynn Ginter

Johauna Renay Gosney ’12

Dr. Ronald S. Gowler

Dr. Larry A. Gratton

Dr. Christopher A. Green

Jacqui Greene ’93

Mr. David Ross Guggenheim

Dr. Sarah L. Hall

Johanna Hall-Rappolee ’14

Ms. Heather L. Hammond

Kelsey Crim Hargis ’11

Ms. Renee E. Hargrove

Brittany N. Harris ’16

Ancie E. Hatfield ’72

Dr. Scott A. Heggen

Dr. Jeanne M. Hoch

Dr. Tracy M. Hodge

Luke Hodson ’02

Dr. Megan M. Hoffman

Mrs. Teresa G. Hosler

Mrs. Cindy Hamilton Howard

Mr. V. Lavoyed Hudgins

Mrs. Patricia K. Esenstein

Carmellia Kay Jackson ’16

Martina Jackson-Haynes ’11

Dr. Matthew C. Jadud

Sue Jennings Johns ’79

Dr. Mike E. Johnson ’73

Zack Johnson ’17

Ms. Monica S. Jones

Timothy W. Jordan ’76

Ms. Mary Ann Keck

Mrs. Melissa S. Kelley

Dr. Monica Kennison

Mrs. Carol A. Kirby

Tennant Yvonne Kirk ’75

Holly A. Korb ’12

Mary Labus ’78

Chris Lakes ’98

Mr. Steven H. Lawson

Mrs. Linda Leek

Kelly Vasey Linville ’00

Mr. Jeffrey Brian Linville

Ms. Jennifer L. Little

Ms. Esther Livingston

Sylvester Lynn ’11

Sheila Hazel Lyons ’86

Ms. Laura E. Magner

Dr. Gary Steven Mahoney ’82

Dr. Mark Patrick Mahoney

Dr. Deborah Martin

Mr. G. Edward McCormack

Dr. Verlaine M. McDonald

Cindy Gayle McGaha ’91

Ms. Andrea McKeehan

Mrs. Lori J. McKeel

Christopher Michael McKenzie ’08

Grace Ann McKenzie ’08

Denessa Baters McPherson ’05

Dr. Meta Mendel-Reyes

Dr. Troy Christopher Messina

Mr. Christopher A. Miller

Mr. Jason Lee Miller

J. Morgan ’91

Ms. Abby Leigh Morris

Mrs. Judith Mott

Candace Lee Mullins ’13

Mrs. Lori Myers-Steele

Anthony D. Myrks-Brewer ’17

Mr. Mark Nigro

Dr. Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens

Maggie C. Park ’08

Mrs. Amanda A. Peach

Dr. Janice Pearce

Ms. Jessica L. Pena

Mr. Casey Wayne Perdue

Mrs. Shannon L. Phelps

Alane Bryant Poff ’93

Jennie Pollard ’10

Dr. David B. Porter

Shadia E. Prater ’17

Roger Matthew Quarles ’11

William Edward Ramsay ’75

Sue E. Reimondo

Dr. Loretta J. Reynolds

Harry S. Rice

Dr. Jeffrey Lynn Richey

Ms. Teena Marie Riddell

Dr. Marguerite K. Rivage-Seul

Rachel Roberts-Lakes ’92

Collis Robinson ’13

Dr. Lyle D. Roelofs

Mrs. Lauren M. Roelofs

Dr. Ronald B. Rosen

Tiffany C. Russell ’17

Dr. Matthew Jay Saderholm ’92

Mr. Curtis T. Sandberg

Shalamar Stokely Sandifer ’03

Heather McNew Schill ’99

Mr. Theodore J. Scripps

Dr. Roy M. Scudder-Davis

Amy Carter Shehee ’91

Ms. Rozella Ma Lanceta Shell

Jordan Tre’ Sims ’15

Joanne Watson Singh

Phillip Derrick Singleton

Molly Bea Smith ’15

Mr. Tyler R. Smith

Mr. William Richard Smith

Mr. Paul Smithson

Mrs. Shawnna K. Southerland

Ms. Melody A. Srsic

Mercedes Waye Stanfield ’17

Mr. Scott Steele

Ms. Darlene Stocker

Mrs. Melissa M. Strobel

Ms. Candace D. Sword

Ms. Robin Taffler

Mrs. Theresa A. Thesing

Ms. Sherry J. Thiele

Carl James Thomas ’78

Ms. Rachel L. Thomas

Dr. Katrina Rivers Thompson

Mr. Zachery C. Thompson

Ms. Teresa E. Thompson

Mr. Kyle M. Tipton

Jasmine Towne ’16

Ms. Melinda G. Townsend

Mr. Scott E. Tracy

Mr. Milton Brian Traw

Rebecca Ellen Tucker ’09

Ms. Amanda C. Tudor

Elizabeth N. Tyra ’17

Ms. Rachel S. Vagts

Ms. Althea Webb

Judith E. Weckman

Sandra Williams Wells ’80

Chelsea Elizabeth Whited ’15

Mr. Douglas E. Widner

Philip Kleffman Wiggs ’91

Ms. Sandra Williams

Judge Bradley Wilson, II ’78

Mr. Terry Kermit Wilson

Paul Maximilian Winker ’08

Rodney G. Wolfenbarger

Ms. Penelope A. Wong

Ms. Stephanie M. Woodie

Mrs. Lutricia L. Woods

Dr Billy Wayne Wooten ’98

Johanna Startzman Wray ’04

Crystal D. Wylie ’05

Ms. Amanda Jeane Wyrick

Mi Elizabeth Zheng ’16



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