Ms. Carlotta R. Anderson

Mr. R. D. Anderson

Arthur J. Starr

Col. Robert A. Atkins, Sr.

Roy D. Baker

Ballmann Family

Florence and Minnie Behl

Zorah W. Bowman

Jay L. Boyer

Eva Reid Brosius

Harvey and Joanne Bryant

Roger Ellis Buchanan

Ouida Midkiff Burrus

Dr. Wilfred A. Bychinsky

Cloe A. Call

Ogden B. Carter, Jr.

Ms. Mary E. Clemesha

Charles Barton Weaver

Jeanette M. Ocker

Mr. Gerald W. Cooke

Mrs. Carolyn I. Cressman

Kinsman E. Crumb

Margaret Cruze

Mrs. Beatrice Curtis

Miss Lily Mary David

Ms. Dorthea G. Tamborski

Barbara M. Dehnhoff

Virginia L. Diehl

Margaret Hillman Dingess

Janet D’Olive

Ruth Dorsett

Francis E. and Julia R. Drury

Ruby I. Fassold

Mr. J. R. Fawley, Jr.

Lida M. Ferguson

Mrs. Lorraine B. Finley

Mrs. William T. Fishback

Mr. Robert D. Fisher

Evelyn Flanary

George Washington Foose

Ann Hardeman and Combs L. Fort

Mary S. Frazer

Mrs. Andrea N. Frost

Mrs. Dorothy Gaess

August F. Gaess

Louis L. Garber

Mrs. Pamela B. Gardner

Mrs. Veronica M. Geiger

Mrs. Dorothy R. Gillet

Mr. Daniel Gluck

Mrs. Dorothy G. Griffin

Mary Nell Griffin

Henry Gund

Jessie Hallett

Robert E. and Clara D. Harrison

Tinsley Helton

Irene H. Hills

Erma B. Holl

Marjorie Hollandsworth

Marjorie Hylton

Doris M. Witt

Nelly Jean Dapice

Mr. Cecil Jones, Jr.

Mrs. Ruth W. Kerley

Paul H. Key

Tuthill King

Jackson S. and Kathryn H. Kiser

Eleanor S. Kivela

Daniel and Suzi Kohler

Harold and Ruth Ann Leever

Helen Luttrell Litwiller

Laban and LaVerna McClure

Stewart McCullum

Dorothy and Clarence Meacham

Miss Esther M. Miller

Lewis B. and Helen M. Miller

Wade E. Miller

George E. Mills, III

Bernard Moorman

Emily R. Nashner

O. and Lois Newell

Andrew H. Nickolaus

Virginia A. Peters

Ruth B. Phillips

Elisabeth Severance Prentiss

Winford M. Rawlins

Marian F. Rawlins

Charles C. Reardon

Frances K. Ross

Sara De Coursey Ruth

Isma B. Saloshin

Aldo Scafati

Else L. Schulze

Blanche Wiley Shafer

Kate B. Sheadle

Miss Mary C. Stone

Leroy Sossamon

Nancy L. Spencer

Louise C. Stolle

Alfred M. and Mary Swain Wood

Michael D. Thiel

Chester D. Tripp

Mr. Harry E. Walker

Miss Janet K. Webster

Laura Amelia Davis Whisnant

Marion Sam White

Frederick W. and Genevieve Witteborg

Bernal R. Woodward

Mrs. M. Louise Yeakel


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