Charles and Edwena Crowe Charles Crowe’s first day at Berea College might have been his last. “As I was moving into my room, this white guy comes in…
Photo by Rodney Kimbangu ’20 Like other college-going students, Emmanuel Tuffuor ’88 says coming to Berea College was life changing. As with most students, leaving one’s family, home…
Many gathered to celebrate the 1927 laying of the cornerstone of Seabury Center. Photo provided by Berea College Special Collections and Archives Thousands of Berea students and College…
Berea Celebrates the Dedication of Its Newly Completed Science Building “I believe pursuing an extraordinary tomorrow creates a better world today,” said Dr. Mae Jemison, the first African…
Mark and Trish Campbell Estepp, both 1977 graduates, came to Berea as students from West Virginia and eastern Kentucky, respectively. After graduating, their pursuit of advanced degrees and careers…
[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”xNPHJYcWFQ8″ player=”width=0&rel=0&cc_load_policy=1″] “You want to give back and pay it forward because somebody had to give so that we could be here,” said David Wallace ’82.…
After attending a segregated high school, John came to Berea in 1962 intent on reading books he had not read before, being active in student organizations and addressing…
Two alumni receive award during surprise ceremony Berea College President Lyle Roelofs presented Carl Thomas ‘78 and his wife, Deborah Byrd Thomas ‘80, with the President’s Medallion at…
Civil rights icon and U.S. Representative John Lewis (D-GA 5th District) delivered the commencement address to the Berea College class of 2017. Drawing on his experience as a student…
Twas the night before Christmas . . . and all through the land, Bereans eagerly awaited the national broadcast of the CBS Television presentation of Listen, a Musical…