Summer Reunion brought home more than 550 alumni and guests to campus June 10-13 to celebrate many special reunions from 1952 to 1992. Mark your calendars for Summer Reunion 2023, scheduled June 9-11.
President Lyle Roelofs Hon. ’22 welcomes alumni celebrating their 50th class reunion into the Charles T. Morgan Society. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05Sweethearts who met at Berea gathered in Danforth Chapel to share their love stories. Photo by Thomas Moonjeli ’23Dr. Esfandiar Lohrasbpour ’74 addresses alumni and friends gathered to celebrate the launch of the Building a Technology Future Like No Other campaign. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05The Country Dancers Alumni Reunion proved a great time for all who attended. Photo by Amir Aref ’25Nursing alumni gathered to reminisce and hear program updates from faculty. Photo by Thomas Moonjeli ’23The classes of 1970, 1971 and 1972 gathered on the lawn in front of Anna Smith
Residence Hall for a reunion dinner party. Photo by Amir Aref ’25During the Alumni Executive Council meeting, President Lyle Roelofs and First Lady Laurie Roelofs were recognized as Honorary Alumni, Class of 2022. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05Classmates enjoy catching up at the Friday evening picnic. Photo by Amir Aref ’25Summer Reunion 2022 brought back alumni couples and friends from all across the country to celebrate reunions for the first time since 2019. More than 550 alumni registered and attended the festivities, and the College celebrated the past 50th reunions of the classes of 1970 and 1971 and this year’s class of 1972. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22Philanthropy Officer Ariq Skinner (center) greets AEC member Robert Phillips ‘90 (left) and Trustee Celeste Armstrong ‘90 as they toast a “Kiss from Kentucky” at the Mocktail/Cocktail Reception for Great Commitments Society members. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05Summer Reunion 2022
Reunion Classes
Class of 1952
Left to right: Fred Winebarger, Alexander Chalmers, William Ramsay,
Raymond Beverly, Gladys Thomas Parker, Glen Parker, John Thompson,
Charles “Dave” Auxier. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1957
FRONT ROW (L_R): Beverly Tonne Smith, Gail McDavid Smith, Carolyn Skeen Ledford, Elizabeth Guffey Summers, Arnold Davis, Dr. James Gordon Henry, Nancy Graves Ball. Back row (L-R): Colleen Snapp Redman, Betty Jean Hartsell, Paul Claiborne, Roy McCall, James E. Marion, Harold “Blackie” Blackburn, Ann Walker Collins. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1962
Left to right: Anna Davidson Burton, S. Carol Barrier, Marilyn Skaggs Fyffe, Verlin Webb, Rose Hayes Swope, Nancy Norman Austin, Ellen Harmon
Coomer, Gary Zachary. Back row (L-R) Randal Almarode, Helen Alexander Reid, Clayton Reid, Mike Riemann, Eleanor Lambert Workman, George Wilson. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1967
FRONT ROW (L_R): Steve Rich, Judy Rich, Anne Taylor Donovan, Sedahlia Jasper Crase, Paula Bohn, Jane Miller Hutchens, Carol Gilliam. Middle row (L-R): Tom Hutchens, Brenda Colley, Mike Colley, Ray Barrier, William Chappell, C. Jean Burgett Morgan. Back row (L-R) Chuck Morgan, Judy Ann Coates Fray. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1970: Celebrating 50 Years
FRONT ROW (L_R): William Churchill, Annette Hobbs, Kathlynn Atwater, Sally Robinson McEnroe, Ronald Dockery, Jenny Lovedahl Johnson, Judith Sherrow Conde, Patti Peters Frazier, Paula Mullins, Gary Mullins. Second row (L-R): Evelyn Combs Tolliver, Nora Legg Wooten, Joyce Meadows Richmond Taylor, Pat Hall Hinegardner, Iris Kennedy Waade, Doris Wyatt, Jo Easton Pulkkinen, Charles E. Ward, Carolyn Castle. Third row (L-R): Oscar “Buck” H. McNew, Lucky Jones Collins, Janet McDaniel, Charles Crowe, Dorothy Logan Lewis, Alfreda Richards Cook, Pat Kennedy, Charlie Ammons. Fourth row (L-R): John Johnstone, Arleen Johnson, Joyce Wallen, Kay Johnson Monk, Judy Kennedy Smith, Nancy McCall Wilson, Donnese Clevinger Kern, Donnie Singleton, Larry Pigman. Fifth row (L-R): Charlotte Beason, Jerry Golden, David Maynard, Linda Shue Hoffman, Nina Looney Hill, Ray Hill, James Arnett. Sixth row (L-R): Gary Hilton, Jim Wolfe, Brenda McCann Irwin, Polly Graves Abney, Joe D. Elswick, John R. Frazier. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05
Class of 1971: Celebrating 50 Years
FRONT ROW (L_R): David Schill, Beverly Moxley Schill, Sandra Campbell, Belinda Pugh, Mabel A. Chadwell Bailey. Second row (L-R): Candice Strickler, Peggy Mitchell Mannering, Linda Holbrook Browning, Mary Daniel Singleton, Judy Hollandsworth Pope, Janice Harris. Third row (L-R): Roger Darrell Harrison, Jana Brown, Nancy Kittinger, Bob Montgomery, Bonnie Lester Golden, Lonnie C. Jones. Fourth row (L-R): Dennis Strickler, Larry Delph, Fred Rodgers, Michael Davis, Sidney Atwater, Parke Carter, Bob Harris. Fifth row (L-R): John Browning, Wayne Byrd, Tom Woo, James Carlton Monk, Harry Johnston, Pete Tabor. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05
Class of 1972: Celebrating 50 Years
FRONT ROW (L_R): Donna Griffith Hornsby, Donna Carter Yost, Van Gravitt, June Chrisley Tompkins, Linda Hendrick Hensley, Charlotte Rust, Shayla Damron Mettille. Second row (L-R): Freda L. Ayers, Pansy Howell Woo, Genevieve Bennett Wiley, Donna Conley Adams, Teresa Cole, Aleta Clontz Blevins, Gary G. Blevins, Maribeth Yost Hays, Peggy Harrison Prichard. Third row (L-R): Vonda Gabehart Stamm, Mary Cave Bowen, Lois Edwards Judd, Lowell Atchley, Kathleen Prows Atchley, Elizabeth Pansy Waycaster, Helen Hicks Baker-Mooney, April Ramsey Jones. Fourth row (L-R): B.
Delmas Castle, Kenneth W. Ross, Linda Smith Berry, Nancy Moore Melton, Earlene Hawks Prokopec, Terry Blevins King, Janie Adams Frazier. Fifth
row (L-R): Bill Weir, Lawrence King, Jerry Cruise, Ron Deaver, Jerry Doss, Glen Jennings. Sixth row (L-R): Joey Prichard, Larry D. Collins, Ancie
Hatfield, Donnie R. Davidson. Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05
Class of 1977
FRONT ROW (L_R): Irene Napier Alexander, Deborah Noble Edwards, Alma Kay Hendrick, Denisa Dellinger. Back row (L-R): Jean Ebenschweller Reynolds, Jerome Grant, Sandra Manuel, Frank G. Smith. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1982
FRONT ROW (L_R): Scharme Brunner Price, Melanie Marshall Perry, Anita Tracy, Cindy Roark Daniel, Wynne Kohout, Lucy Stout Waters.
Back row (L-R): David Hincks, Ken Roberts. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1987
LEFT TO RIGHT: Diana Bauer Grant, Marie Stuart, Craig Salleng,
Angie Chandler. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22
Class of 1992
Left to right: Lisa Boothe, Vicky West Adams. Photo by Tyler Rocquemore ’22