July 1, 2016–June 30, 2017

Lifetime memberships to the Founders’ Club are conferred to those who have already contributed $50,000 (including past donations). Those who became members prior to July 1, 2003 retain their membership under the previous criteria.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Abele

Mrs. Mary S. Abele

Mrs. Kay E. Adair

Dr. Harold R. Adams ’48

Mrs. John M. Allen

Roberta Larew Allison ’42

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Altman

Mr. and Mrs. K. Tucker Andersen

Mrs. Deborah Anderson

Mrs. Mary Anne Anderson

Stephen M. and Jane Anderson

James Thomas Arnold ’75

Dr. Emel L. Atkins ’57

Margaret Boyd Atkins ’58

Dr. John Alden Auxier ’51

Lois Speer Baird ’48

Miss Elizabeth Baker

Dr. and Mrs. C. Robert Barnard

James T. and Hanna Bartlett

Dr. and Mrs. James C. Barton, Jr.

Mrs. Katharine M. Bassett

Mrs. Mary B. Basta

Mrs. Dora M. Battram

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Beaman, Jr.

June Mullins Begley ’64

Leo Begley ’64

Florence and Minnie Behl Trust

Beim Foundation

Dr. Donald Forbes Belknap

Mr. William Bell

Mr. Steven Berzin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Billera

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Biltz

Jackie Gunkler Bingham ’68

Big Bug and Mr. Feesh

Nancy E. Blair, Esq.

Isaac F. Bledsoe ’63

Margaret B. Bledsoe

Carolynne Fincher Bobbitt ’56

Dr. Jesse Leroy Bobbitt ’55

George Bock Charitable Trust

Mr. Howard Boroughs

Bou Family Foundation

Kathy Bow

Mr. and Mrs. Doin R. Bowers, Jr.

Mrs. Nancy Bowling

Linda W. Bowman

Wayne and Ida Bowman Foundation

William H. Bowman, Hon. ’08

Claranelle Blackburn Bradbury ’52

Raymond A. Bradbury ’46

Scharlene Oney Branum ’47

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bredt

Mr. Joseph J. Bridy

Mrs. Gertrude Lange Brooks

Mr. James Keeley Brown

John Carter Browning ’71

Linda Holbrook Browning ’71

Verna Hall Bulman ’49

Dr. Warren E. Bulman ’48

Mr. Richard M. Burridge

Robert Edward Cabe ’59

Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Caldwell

Richard Darrel Campbell ’58

Mrs. W. F. Campbell

Mr. Richard L. Carl

Mrs. Tyna D. Carter

Ms. Matilda Cartledge

Mr. Robert P. Castrignano

Dr. Donald W. Caudill ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Chambers

Mr. Harvey Chaplin

Carl E. Clark ’62

Mr. John F. Cogan, Jr.

Alice Hook Colley ’49

Jackie Collier ’80

Elisabeth Covey Collins

Martha Lampkin Colvard ’34

Glenn Conn

Ruth Brantley Conn ’53

Mr. Thomas W. Constant

Eileen Barnawell Hartley Cooper ’47

Mr. William E. Cornelius

C. Dean Cornett ’55

Estill Cornett ’52

Nina Crabtree Cornett ’61

Reba Blevins Cornett ’54

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Couch, Jr.

Martin A. and Sandy Coyle

Mr. Jim Cramer

Dr. Darrell Crase ’56

Dr. Dixie R. Crase

Elizabeth Culbreth ’64

Mrs. Gayle T. Culp

Ms. Margo W. Curl

Mrs. Carolyn G. Danforth

Mr. and Mrs. George I. Danly

Bill Daugherty, III ’76

Dr. Chella David ’61

Judith K. David

Mr. Robert W. Davis

Dr. James Dean ’66

S. Eugene Dekich ’52

Mr. Joseph T. Derry

Mrs. Paul C. Doehring

Mrs. Nancy D. Dorer

Mr. Richard K. Dowse

Marjorie Wood Drackett

Allen D. DuRand

Linda V. DuRand, Hon. ’10

Ms. Kaye Dyar

Ms. Catherine G. Ebert

Mrs. Johanna K. Egan

Margarette Eisenhour

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Elliott

Fred T. Elswick ’60

Jonnell Webb Elswick ’63

Dr. Ann Evans

Mrs. Anne H. Evans

Carl C. Evans ’62

Nancy Evans

Mrs. Patricia F. Evans

William B. Evans ’50

Mrs. Susan Brown Eyster

Mr. Christopher Fargnoli

Elizabeth Meade Feng

Mr. Robert W. Fessler

Joyce Barnes Fields ’61

Truman Ray Fields ’61

Mr. Eugene V. Fife

Mrs. Helen H. Ford

C. Ronald Fouts ’72

Mrs. Shirley B. Fowler

A. Wade Francis ’79

Dr. John P. Freeman

Dr. Billy W. Friar ’53

Miss Ethel D. Fritts

Mr. Glenn R. Fuhrman

Muriel Fuhrmann

Mrs. Harriet E. Gamper

Mrs. Marjorie D. Getsch

Lucille Holmes Gibson ’45

Dr. Smith H. Gibson ’45

Mrs. Joseph F. Gleason

A. Barbara Goddard ’48

Shirley Reed Goossen ’59

Ivey W. Gosser

William R. Gosser ’50

Mr. Jim Gray

Dr. Fred H. Greenberg ’55

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Griswold

Mrs. Mimi Gross

Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Gross, III

William R. and Joan Gruver

Mr. Lawrence A. Gurnett

Hazel Reynolds Hale ’48

Jerry B. Hale ’73

Nancy Walker Hale ’73

Betty Lou Hollifield Hall ’58

Brian E. Hall ’70

J. Clyde Hall ’55

Mr. John Richard Hall

Lowell A. Hamilton ’61

Sara Standifer Hamilton ’62

Mrs. Gloria H. Hamman

W. A. Hammond Drierite Company

Paulette Alexander Harder ’65

Mrs. Shirley B. Harding

Mrs. D. Foster Harland

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harley

Ms. Sue B. Hart

Helen Fillmore Harvey ’54

Pamela Hatfield-Wells

Dr. John D Haun ’48

Dr. Charles F. Haywood ’49

Mr. Charles T. Hendrix

Mr. Paul W. Hillier, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Hindman

Hirtle Callaghan and Co.

Mrs. Katherine E. Hocking

Eula Turner Holliday ’45

J. Charles Honeycutt ’51

Reba Honeycutt

Mrs. Norma M. Horvitz

Mr. J. Woodford Howard, Jr.

Mrs. Martha G. Huheey

Mrs. Dolores W. Humphrey

Carol Fletcher Hunter ’67

Dr. David Lee Hunter ’67

Patricia Finn Hunter ’48

Betty Partin Hurst ’50

Jane Miller Hutchens ’71

Thomas Walter Hutchens ’67

Mr. Mark D. Hylton

Mr. J. L. Jackson, Jr.

Mrs. Patricia Eells Jackson

Dr. and Mrs. David Japikse

Debbie Jarvis-Yates ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jepson, Jr.

Dr. Flora Hsu Johnson ’67

Mr. Shawn C. D. Johnson

Brenda Starnes Johnstone ’75

Dr. William H. Johnstone ’74

Leigh A. Jones, Hon. ’93

Pat Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Jonsson

Mrs. Joanna Fowler Jonsson

Mr. George J. Kalanzis

Drs. Gregory Louis Kay and Susan Barcus Kay

Dr. Susan Barcus Kay

Ms. Georgia F. Kearney

Ms. Susan Kellogg

Ms. Margaret L. Keon

Mrs. Charles F. Kettering, II

Pauline Schellberg Kifer ’40

Mrs. Debbie Q. Kiser

Mr. Emil Allen Kraus and Ms. Lynn F. Parkerson

Janet C. Kreider, Hon. ’91

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Kumpe

Mrs. Rosemarie Wipfelder Kumpe

Dr. Donald H. Lakin

Mrs. Mary Langenberg

Brenda Todd Larsen and Charles Larsen, III

Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Larsen

Mrs. Dee Macleod Lawrence and Mr. Richard H. Lawrence

Dr. William M. Leach ’56

Mrs. Marthella S. Lehtinen

Ms. Irene Lejman

Dr. George Ronald Lester ’54

Patricia P. Lester

Hunter Lewis

Dr. Esfandiar Lohrasbpour ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lombard

William M Lowder ’62

Dr. John Y. Lu ’55

Ruth Ferrill Luthringer ’46

Mrs. Constable MacCracken

Dr. Steven C. Macdonald and

Ms. Rita A. Altamore

Mrs. Deborah MacLellan

Mr. and Mrs. Scott MacLellan

Mrs. Lillian M. Mairs

Dr. Alice R. Manicur ’54

John S. Marsh ’54

Sue Martin

Dr. Geneva Metzler Matlock ’48

Betty Dimmick Mattingly ’51

Dr. Steele F. Mattingly ’50

Mrs. Ann B. McCleary

Mr. William R. McFarland

Charles S. McNeer ’50

Mrs. Lillian McNeily

Mrs. Anne W. McNulty

Mr. and Mrs. Orval G. Mead

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Meisel

Mr. and Mrs. George Wall Merck

Mr. Robert E. Merkle

Carol Ledbetter Miller ’55

Dr. Robert Warren Miller ’53

Helena Jacobs Mink ’51

Mr. Wilburn L. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Morrison, Jr.

Dr. Harold L. Moses ’58

Linda H. Moses

Mr. Michael A. Mouron

Mr. I. E. Murray, Jr.

Mr. C. G. Nessler

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Nickolaus, Jr.

Guy Lawrence Olinger ’69

Joyce Ross Olinger ’63

Mr. Thomas H. Oliver

Dr. Edward T. Ordman

Rev. J. Randolph Osborne, Hon. ’95

Melissa S. Osborne, Hon. ’14

Larry George Owen ’61

Miss Jean Phyllis Owens

Betty June Parker ’50

Dr. Franklin Parker ’49

Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Parker

Dr. Eugene Q. Parr ’49

June Morton Perry ’44

Mary McWilliams Perry ’53

Eugene H. Peterson

Margaret Bowman Peterson ’45

Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Peterson

Mrs. Kathryn W. Pettengill

Ellen Herron Phillips

Ms. Kathleen Picken

Mrs. Dona Lou Pierce

Dr. J. Dan Pittillo ’61

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Polk

Mrs. Margaret C. Price

Mrs. Jill Gruver Puleo

Charles C. Rayburn ’45

Ruben D. Recio, Sr. ’51

Larrey W. Riddle ’80

Mr. Charles A. Riggs

James E. Ripley ’66

Padi McKain Ripley ’66

Dr. Linda Stewart Rivers ’62

Ruth Barnes Robbins ’49

Helen Swanson Robinson ’49

Lyle and Laurie Roelofs

Rubye L. Rose

Doris Rosenbaum

Frederick M. and Joyce Y. Rosevear

Dr. Justine Jones Rozier ’43

Mr. and Mrs. William Knight Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rutledge

Lou Haigler Salter ’47

Willie Sanders ’69

Mr. L. Manlius Sargent, Jr.

Mr. Muneer A. Satter

Barbara Weaver Sawyer ’57

Dr. Hershel G. Sawyer ’57

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scaramucci

Mrs. Judith McCartin Scheide

Ms. Ruth M. Scherbarth

Victor E. Scherrer ’43

Ms. Nancy J. Schmidt

Mrs. Lucy S. Schneider

Jean M. and Walter C. Schubert

David G. Schultz ’41

Kathleen Jett Schwarzschild ’46

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Scott

Ms. Catherine Seabury

Dr. Charles Ward Seabury, II

Mr. John Shafer, Jr.

Dr. David Eugene Shelton ’69

Don Shinault, Jr. ’84

Larry D. Shinn, Hon. ’08

Nancy Shinn, Hon. ’08

Farra Mai Shipp

Dr. Robert H. Shipp, V-12 ’45

Mrs. Frances G. Shoolroy

Mr. William B. Short, Sr.

Mrs. Myrtle I. Sillen

Marjorie Singleton

Dr. Mary Slusser

Ernest H. Smith

Florence Pittman Smith ’53

Frances Sturgell Smith ’47

Henry H. Smith

Mrs. Kathleen M. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Smith

Dr. Robert S. Smith

Ron Smith ’56

Mr. Vincent M. Smith

Rev. Harry C. Snider

Sylvene Osteen Spickerman ’56

Mr. Daniel W. Stanton

Mr. Robert K. Steel

Mrs. Dorothy Stein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Steiner, Jr.

Mr. Ellis M. Stephens

Jane Stephenson, Hon. ’93

Mrs. Margueritte C

Pendergast Stevens

Mrs. Glenna Stewart

Mrs. Cecil Stickle

Dr. Douglas F. Stickle

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stitzer

Catherine French Stookey ’49

Mr. Michael Stranahan

Mr. William J. Strawbridge and Ms. Margaret Wallhagen

Effie Taylor Strong ’50

Dr. W. R. Strong

Eleanore Burchell Sturgill ’55

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sturtevant

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Styer

Dr. Faye Collett Sutton ’65

David and Ann Swanson

Mrs. Anne G. Symchych

Mr. and Mrs. Noyan Tanberk

Barbara T. Taylor ’84

Harry W. Tennant ’43

Tyler Smyth Thompson ’83

Mrs. Sue M. Tice

Mrs. Mary Anne Tigges

Annette H. Tinnin, Hon. ’01

Charles W. Tinnin, Jr.

Mr. Richard Tredwell

Kay Tseng

Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Van Sloun

John Vanderstar

Mrs. William D. VanDusen

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vanlandingham

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vaslow

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet P. Vaughn, Jr.

Nick Vaughn ’98

Christine Chadwell Vensel ’50

Ms. Kathleen Venter

Ms. Hedda Windisch von Goeben

David L. Wallace ’82

Diane Artist Wallace ’80

Mrs. Jeanne Stephenson Ward

Iverson Louis Warinner ’66

Ms. Audrey Weaver

Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Weber

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Weber

Dr. Rosemary Maxie

Weddington ’53

Mr. and Mrs. Henri L. Wedell

Mrs. Theresa Walker-Wedell and

Mr. Thomas J. Wedell

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Weimann

Mr. John P. Weitzel

David O. Welch ’55

Joyce Loy Welch ’54

Mrs. Jean L. West

Helen Kiser Wheeler ’53

Dr. Max Wheeler

Mrs. Mary Alice Whiting

Shelby Alderman Whitson ’59

Mr. Richard Wiener

Frieda Meade Wierda ’54

Judge Bradley Wilson, II ’78

Mr. Peter A. Winograd

Mr. James D. Woodfin

Mr. Philip P. Woodward

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Woolverton

Dr. Ballard D. Wright ’59

Elizabeth Peterson Wright ’60

Mr. Glen Wright, Sr.

Ms. Page M. Wright

Robert T. Yahng ’63

Tina Ing Yahng

Dr. Steven W. Yates ’83

Jessie Reasor Zander ’54

Mrs. Stephanie Bowling Zeigler and Mr. Eric Zeigler

Mrs. Evelyn Zolondek


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